Marin IJ

Sunday Readers' Forum
Article Launched:10/16/2006 10:32:41 AM PDT

Ford Greene deserves seat

The IJ raised an interesting rhetorical question in its headline on the Oct. 12 article concerning the possible appointment by the San Anselmo Town Council to fill a vacant seat on the council.

The headline - "No democracy in San Anselmo?" - was based on the somewhat absurd fact that with the coming appointment, a majority of the council will "have landed on the elected body without first winning an election."

If the present council members want to support the democratic process, they have no choice but to appoint Ford Greene, who narrowly lost in the last election, only to have the winner resign after a short time in office. Any other action will be the equivalent of thumbing their bureaucratic noses at the citizens of San Anselmo, whom they are supposed to represent.

Gil Deane, San Anselmo


Hub Law Offices 711 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, San Anselmo, California 94960-1949 415-258-0360