Ford Greene Photo by Cristina Taccone
Photo by Cristina Taccone
California Lawyer


As an American, after I deprogrammed myself from being brainwashed by the Moonie cult, I became a lawyer so as to do my part not to repeat the mistakes of the Germans in the 1930s by not fighting back hard enough against a force which proclaims to know what is best for me. Thus, I have dedicated my adult life to exposing and suing large authoritarian organizations, sometimes referred to as “cults,” such as Reverend Moon’s Unification Church (the “Moonies”) and the Scientology Organization.

I am an advocate of the tenets of rugged individualism, self reliance, personal independence, self-discipline, moral accountability, imagination and personal creativeness.

I also reserve and vigorously exercise my right to criticize and/or support anybody, including the Government.

I value and practice my constitutionally protected right to freedom of speech because without the freedom to think as I will and to speak as I think democratic self-government is no better than a bedtime story – something, while reassuring, that has nothing to do with the challenges presented by factual reality.

As an American, I have become increasingly horrified at and outraged by the destruction the Bush Administration is unleashing upon the world, and upon our own Constitutionally protected civil rights and freedoms; a destruction that is propagandized as “protecting us from terrorism.”

I define the type of control imposed by such propaganda, accompanied by techniques of information suppression and manipulation, as “perception management,” “brainwashing” or “psychopolitics.”

Psychopolitics is the art and science of asserting and maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, bureaucrats, politicians and the masses.

Organized authoritarian movements including the Bush Administration, the Scientology Organization and Reverend Moon’s Unification Church practice psychopolitics.

Because I can identify the authoritarianism they practice, and have the courage to criticize it by means of The Freedom Sign, in organized campaigns of defamation and intimidation the Scientology Organization and Protect San Anselmo, led by super-lawyer and Christian Republican John M. Newell, have targeted me.

Ford Greene        

Ford Greene's Law Practice

State Bar of California Attorney Profile

Trial Lawyers for Public Justice:


Montreal Star: The Moon Stalkers Series

San Francisco Examiner Evidence points towards North tie to Rev. Moon

New York Times California High Court backs lawsuit against Unification Church

Pacific Sun The Cult Buster

American Lawyer The Two Faces of Scientology [.pdf]

California Lawyer Litigation Noir

Daily Journal Briefly

Marin Independent Journal
Marin lawyers honored at gala

Pacific Sun No tasseled loafers here

Marin Independent Journal
Ford Greene Attorney at Odds
Sign of the Cult-Buster


Homegrown Ford Greenery

Words for the death of my father

My Mentor Carl Shapiro
Marin IJ 12-10-2005

Hub Law Offices
711 Sir Francis Drake Boulevard, San Anselmo, California 94960-1949
Voice (415) 258-0360

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